Monday, January 21, 2008

The Guilt

Today I heard on the radio about someone who had done something wrong but he/she won't feel guilty about it. How can someone feel that way? The answer is, that's because they have a mind set that if they don't do it, others might do it on them!!!! How ridiculous is that?! Have they no shame on themself?

This morning, it's about a guy who jumps queue at a traffic light. He dares to tell the whole Malaysia that he has no shame of what he did! He said if he don't do it, others might do it on him. So???!!!!???!!! Do you have to do it on other people who waited in line for so long? What kindda heart do you have for others? Don't you have the concern about how others would feel??!!! SHAME ON YOU!!! And you dare to say you don't feel guilty! SCREW YOU JACK ASS!!

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