Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Humble Car

Nothing much today that I have done. Went to the bank and got my release letter and went to JPJ to change the ownership of the car. YES! I am officially the owner of that car right now. The bank has no more say at it. After 5 years of struggling, I got the car of my own. What? Change car? Go thru those struggles again? Give me a break! It's not easy to go thru those years you know? I will change the car soon, but not now. Let me relax a while. I can't torture myself at this moment.
Now I can have some extra money to refurbish my car. Sighs.... Still need to spend. i.e suspension, the dents, the paint, the tyre, engine and the list goes on and on and on..... Sighs..... Step by step I guess.

Can you see the it? The bank's name has been "DIBATALKAN" !!!! YEAH!!!

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