Damn! Overslept! Must be the Turkish Bath last night.
LOL. Anyway, we have to move out quite early today. 6.15am was the wake up call and 6.45 we have to depart from the hotel. Next we went for a leather factory. It was 8am when we reach there and those chap was nice enough to open their doors early just for us. And guess what, they even bring in models to have a leather fashion show for us. After the show, we head into the leather shop. I was drooling when I saw those nice and soft leather sheep skin jackets. Wanted to buy one, but I think it's
abit of overprice (opens early for you, tourist,
of course overprice) even thou they said they would give us a 30% discount. I think I could get those jackets in KL about 1/3 of the price there but the quality would be different la. Sighs. Still drooling while walking out of the shop till the coach.
Anyway, next we went to another ruins and learned more about the
Roman's and Greek's ancient city. Then we went for lunch nearby. Then we took another about 1.30 hour ride to another ruin city which they have a very nice landscape. The city is actually behind of a hill that is covered with white calcium minerals. The water that flows out from the hills are actually contained
alot of calcium and when they flow down the hill over a long time, it would cover the hill with the minerals and it makes the hill white. It looks like snow if you see from far. Until today, the water still flows and the water is warm. It's about 35 degree
Celsius. They even have a pool for people to dip in. It was supposed to be believe that the water could cure
alot of sickness.

Then we head for our hotel which is only about 10
mins from there. The hotel is nice too, because they have
alot of pools in there. Thermal pool, jacuzzi pool, and a swimming pool. After checking in, I immediately change to by trunks and head for the thermal pool. The pool is actually hot with water oozing out from the earth and the water contains high amount of sulfur. It was a great experience dipping in that pool there. And also, it was supposed to cure some skin sickness too. Then I head for the jacuzzi pool and relax in there till dinner time. After dinner and here I am blogging.
LOL. It's 10.40pm right now and I'm feeling so
exhausted. Time to go bed now. Early wake up tomorrow. Sighs. 5.30am wake up call, that's what I heard. Gotta go!
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